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An asynchronous, fully-typed AWS API library with a focus on being understandable, reliable, and maintainable.

Getting Started

📖 Read the documentation!

NOTE: Currently a work in progress! Only a few API methods currently implemented for testing and development.


"Module main."
from asyncio import run
from httpx import AsyncClient

from awsync.client import Client
from import Region, Credentials

async def main() -> int:
    "Main function."
    async with AsyncClient() as httpx_client:
        client = Client(
        response = await client.list_stack_resources(
            region=Region.us_east_1, stack_name="Example-Stack-Name"
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

Local Developer Setup


Install mise then run mise run init to setup python, poetry, and install dependencies.

Repository Mangement

This repository uses mise for tool and task management.

List all available commands with mise tasks.

Run all pull request checks locally with mise run pr

Package Management

This repository uses poetry for python package management.

  • poetry install --sync install/update dependencies.
  • poetry add add a dependency ie. poetry add black.
  • poetry add -D add a development dependency ie. poetry add -D black.
  • poetry remove remove a dependency ie. poetry remove black.
  • poetry shell activate the python virtual environment for access to installed packages.
  • exit exit the python virtual environment.